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Hard to believe almost a year has gone by since I last wrote a blog on my beloved website. 🌸 Lots has happened since:

  1. I started hosting meditations via zoom (cue the challenge music for combining relaxation meditation with the seemingly unpredictability of technology)✅

  2. I started writing/creating my own meditations, in combination with themes from the Stopping to Smell the Flowers stories. ✍🏻

  3. Started Meditation in the Garden sessions. 🪑 💐 ⛅️ 🌳

  4. I took Level 3 Therapeutic Touch and commenced the practicum part of learning, by practicing on others like members of the meditation group🪴

  5. I rented new space for Stopping to Smell the Flower: A Healing and Resource Centre and had wonderful turnout for meditation. 🧑‍🌾💃😎👦🏻👱🏼‍♀️🧔👩‍🦰

  6. Closed the new meditation space due to the second wave of COVID and continued hosting the sessions via Zoom. 👩‍💻

  7. Continued to write the third book in the Stopping to Smell the Flowers series 🌸

This might make you think I’m too busy, or wonder how do I find the time, but it’s more like: how could I not find the time? It gives me energy, it makes me feel great and it really doesn’t take that long. A person can get creative with finding time for their creativity - I wrote this while at the hairdresser tonight.

What’s your passion? What creative endeavour do you love? Sewing? Painting? Antiques? Guitar, piano, violin? Gardening? I want to do it all. So little time, so much to experience.

Just dabbling in it can bring so much joy, that the mundane stuff like dishes and laundry and mopping the floors are more doable. Don’t wait to create.

For more, turn to page 11 in Stopping to Smell the Flower: Everything’s Coming Up Roses - the story “On Following Your Dreams”.

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