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A Different Perspective ( I love those!)

Today I was able to go for a lovely walk - my usual route - to the post office to "see if anyone loves me" as my Uncle Fred used to say, and then further down to the river. I had a meeting with me, myself and I , and it was great. On my way back I saw Tim Horton's and really wanted a coffee. I've been enjoying making coffee from home for the past couple of months, but today, I was craving that feeling of a coffee being made for me, of carrying it around and enjoying a moment of peace. As the actual seating area is closed, I was prepared to walk in the drive through, which I did. :) It was a cool experience (figuratively and literally, as there was quite a strong wind blowing). The line took a really long time, I reminded myself that it was lunch time, so likely slower because food was being ordered. Standing in line as a person as opposed to a car, does draw a bit of attention to the stander, but I was ok with that. It gave me time to answer a phone call on my cell, and learn how to talk to Siri with my new air pods and text my daughter without typing (wow!!!) I was very pleased that my weight did not trigger the drive through order speaker to detect me (another win!!! ha ha!). As I inched my way along the drive through, I found a nickel. It had been run over a number of times, but was still existing. (a note of encouragement). Standing in line, it really did resonate for me, how much we rely on our cars - these (wonderful!) metal machines that allow us to travel far distances in a heartbeat, that we would have to work much harder for a la pied (by foot). Such a cool invention, the automobile. Our bodies are vehicles too. Maybe we don't travel as many miles by foot, but we travel just the same - vast distances when it comes to the spirit and the soul. Miles and miles every day, sometimes without us knowing. We must look after our bodies with enough rest and good nutrition.

I gave the nickel over to the staff in the drive through window. Such a small token of appreciation, but they perked up (no pun intended) with my gesture. The coffee was delicious, I drank it while I wrote to you.

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