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Change Is The Only Constant

Wow, and what a change with this virus. Some of us are working harder than ever "on the front lines", others are still working and it is business as usual, many working from home.

Many of us are at home, for what feels like forever now. I've gotten into a pretty good groove, of morning and afternoon walks to break up the day, online food ordering (you can constantly update the order, it's quite addictive, and I don't know that I've ever ordered so many groceries in my life before. Don't worry, I don't buy volumes of the same thing, I leave lots for others, but when I'm searching for an item, I see other items along the way, and then all of sudden "Squirrel!"#distraction and the cart is super full.) In the actual grocery store, when I used to go, I could just start running at some point, saying to myself "you're done, get that next time", in an effort to control the grocery bill. But not now. And wow, what a service, during these times especially, to be able to drive to your parking spot and either have the groceries brought to the car, or just jump in to the back of the store to have them all ready for me to load in the cart. The grocery store workers tell me that they haven't had a day off in weeks. They are so helpful and happy to help. I really appreciate them, and the post office workers, the pharmacy staff, the restaurants, the doctors. (We had our first telephone doctor appointment the other day - no need to go into the clinic for general things during these times ...).

One thing I've noticed, during my tenure at home, is how my routine changes. I get in this really nice groove of daily habits and tasks for about a week and a half or so, and I actually start to feel somewhat happy, even in the face of all this unknown, and then whammo - it changes - the routine doesn't quite work for me anymore, or the environment has changed somehow. But then all of a sudden, the new routine seems even better. It's important and necessary to change with the times. Even in my opportunity of this luxury of staying home, it still has some hard moments.

I think of all of you who are both at home with this new normal, those who are working from home, and those who are providing service to the public and I wish you well.

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