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Updated: Nov 19, 2019

I’m sitting here thinking about – really thinking about, how much a person can accomplish in a year. It blows my mind actually. I remember all the trips to the library for a few hours on Saturdays, carving out my personal time to do something that made my soul sing, that recharged me, that brought me joy. A year ago I was working away at editing and getting everything just right, before the professional editors had their crack at my second book. All the steps, all the phases involved in creating something are multitudinous, yet at the same time, with baby steps, one small thing at a time, we really can achieve our lofty goals and dreams.

Since the launch of the second book, more dreams have come to fruition, such as Stopping to Smell the Flowers: A Healing and Resource Centre. What started out as a mediation group four years ago, has inched its way forward into a gathering place where A Course in Presence was launched, making me realize that there is much work to be done when it comes to healing individually and as a society.

We really can do anything we set our mind to. It takes a dream, and it takes action. It requires a humbleness and bravery to get over the ego-mind that wants to keep us safe. But safe isn’t growth. That I know. It’s kind of like the story Teaching Fear by Accident, in Stopping to Smell the Flowers: Everything’s Coming Up Roses, where I point out that “The answer, I believe, between the doing and not doing lies somewhere down the middle of the two paths. Know your risks, but don’t let them stop you. Be knowledgeable, and then free yourself to experience”.

What would you do, if you knew you could not fail? Not everything works out the way we picture, but what if your dream is possible? Start with a baby step by asking yourself what you would love, and maybe take one small step in its direction today.

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