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When we start noticing what we are noticing, it is a very powerful tool in self-discovery and growth. That’s what I’ve noticed, anyway (😀).

We work on the “noticing“ during the meditation sessions I have run in my community for 6 years now. The biggest part, or possibly whole point of meditation, is to notice your mind wander, and then shepherd it back. That’s it. Gently bringing yourself back. To right here. Back from what? The monkey mind, the busyness, the worry, the negative energy. 💫

Today I noticed that instead of sending a well-worded, frank email to my kid’s teacher, I stopped for a minute and decided against that. How would that help my kid? Not at all. How would it help the teacher? Not at all. So instead I asked the teacher to call me. When the phone rang, I asked the teacher how he was faring. I gently and with kindness, shared my perspective. I asked for his. We came up with solutions together and enjoyed the conversation very much. 🪴

I noticed today how good it felt to stop along the way and buy fresh, local produce at a farm stand on my route. It felt even better to cook up the local mushrooms to add to our homemade burgers tonight (Gourmet!). 🍄

Today I noticed how foreign it can feel, to do something nice for yourself; to take just a little bit of time for just you. I sat and read a book. Every now and then, I’d read a line in the book that resonated just so, and I’d rest my head on the back of the chair, close my eyes and just have a moment of thankfulness at the understanding I had just experienced. 📒

I like this noticing. I could get used to it. 🌸

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