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Stopping To Take a Break

I have this notion of writing a third book. I already know the title (of course, Stopping to Smell the Flowers!), but what I mean is, I know the subtitle. I can see the colour of the cover too, and I know which flower will go on it. I had a goal tonight of finishing this one particular story for the third book. It's a difficult one to write - it is taking some research and that is taking an energy toll on me because the subject (they all are) is close to my heart. So far, I've cleaned out my writing bag, made a social media post, booked a massage, sent a few emails, drank water, drank tea, ate a granola bar illegally in the library I'm at, and yet somehow, I haven't cracked the book file open yet on my computer. "Writer's block?", you're likely thinking? Nope. It's just a break. It's part of the process. There's actually an awful lot that goes on behind the scenes in preparation for writing, or any project for that matter. And it's ok to take a break. It's where the creative plasma starts to form, it's cells dividing, deciding what direction to go. Sounds so scientific, doesn't it? Well, it is - the science of creation. Giving myself permission to take a break reminds me how when I pieced together the second book in the series, I would plop myself down in the library comfy chair, and just sit. I'd stare at the books in front of me on the shelves and just marvel. I would put absolutely no pressure on myself to produce something. And you know what happened? A book. I hope that whatever you are up to (including reading this blog post), that you go easy on yourself too. Allow for breaks, allow the silence, and welcome the inspiration when it's ready to visit.

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