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The Angel

We are all frustrated, aren’t we? I’m not even going to say the C word here. It’s been a long haul. We are now starting to witness the second C birthdays, just to rub it in how long it’s been since normalcy. But instead of complaining, I’d like to tell you about something else: Last Sunday I bought an Angel. She’s missing a hand and some fingers on the other hand, yet I still fell in love with her.💗

I found her at a thrift shop, along with two small green glass vases, and a green, hand painted mini chalis/cup. I haven’t felt that excited in a while. I asked the cashier if I could get a discount, on account the Angel was technically missing all of her digits. To my delight, he said yes, 50% off, which brought her price down to an affordable $1.50 (!)😇

She has a beautiful blue swirly dress, 👗 and her wings, well, they are a sight to behold. She stands about 4” tall.

What I couldn’t afford was more Knick knacks in the house, as we are working hard to purge the old, having hung on to things of the past for too long. But these trinkets aren’t for the house, they are for my writing/meditation hut which is soon to be a reality. 🏡

When I found the Angel and the green vases I was filled with such a feeling of joy. It felt like it had been a long time since I had last felt that childlike or spirit-like lightness and excitement. I visualized writing the rest of the 3rd Stopping to Smell the Flowers book away from the hubbub of the house, out in my meditation garden, in my meditation hut. I pictured being able to meet with the meditation group, in person again one day, in my meditation hut, all the while having this wavy blue-dressed Angel being present in my/our midst. ✨

Unrestricted life will return again. New growth is inevitable. Spring reminds us of this. Until then, we wait, we have faith, and we open to those moments of joy that are still, and will always be, available to us. 🌸

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