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It would mean the world to me if you preordered your copy or copies of Stopping to Smell the Flowers: The Space In Between.

This will help a local author pay for publishing and bulk ordering costs. This third book in the Stopping to Smell the Flowers series is sure to make you think, go inward and ponder what this wonderful life is all about.


Feedback from the Publisher: The third book in the Stopping to Smell the Flowers series The Space In Between was a pleasure to read. The author's outstanding strength is the appeal of content to a wide range of readers. She draws on personal experiences and anecdotes that not only make her personable as an author but also makes her material relevant to her audience. These stories are profound. As readers see themselves in the author's experiences and examples, they can internalize the lessons and insights shared.

She uses these narratives to remind readers to be present in the moment and to feel the energy that connects us all to each other, the world around us, and the world beyond the physical. She presents the mundane as sacred and the carnal as holy. Like the first two books in the series, this third installment can be used as a catalyst for times of reflection and journalling, much like a daily devotional. 

Keywords: Body, Mind & Spirit/Inspiration & Personal Growth/Mindfulness & Meditation/Nature Therapy/ Healing

Stopping to Smell the Flowers: The Space In Between

  • Stopping to Smell the Flowers: The Space In Between will be ready for you sometime in 2024, and I would predict it will be closer to the end of the year. I am carefully editing and curating this beautiful book, and am so excited for you to read it.

    I will keep careful track of orders placed and will ship to you or arrange for pickup (whichever you prefer) when that great day arrives!

    Your order of $25 per book already includes any taxes or delivery costs.

    Thank you in advance for your support.



  • Stopping to Smell the Flowers: The Space In Between will be mailed or delivered in person to you late Fall 2024.

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