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What "A Course in Presence" is All About

What a Course in Presence is All About

What "A Course in Presence" is All About
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Free Sample of A Course in Presence

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How do we find happiness right where we are?

By putting you in charge of your own healing.

When you change your mindset, you can become happier. When we train ourselves to stop and smell the flowers, or stop and be present more often, we carve out space to see where we really are, who we really are, and what we can do to promote happiness and peace.


What is calling you? What are you here to do?

Our calling, our purpose, is often to do with relationships, how we help others, kindness and love. We’re so busy that we often forget about the joyous parts of life. We really are meant to be happy, to learn, and to grow. 

Have you ever had a feeling, a nudge, a tap on the shoulder, that you could be happier, that there should be more to life than what you are experiencing? Have you been searching for a deeper meaning, needing a change and want to be less worried, less reactive and less stressed?

Here’s how it works:

There are 8 Modules , where we will explore topics such as Life Goals, Facing Fear, Kindness, and Presence.

Each module we review three stories which are related to the topic of the week. Through the weekly pre-recorded videos, we explore meaning behind the selected stories from the Stopping to Smell the Flowers series and then you journal and explore your own feelings on the stories and how they relate to your life.

You can repeat the course as often as you like! The videos and PDF journal documents are yours to access for a lifetime!

You don’t have to buy the Stopping to Smell the Flowers books to complete the course, but you can buy them on the website if you’d like to follow along with my reading to you. 

Module descriptions:

Module 1: A Place Called Home

Home is often a place, and it's definitely the people and pets around us. Then there's people we don't know, like good Samaritans who help us along the way. Essentially home is a feeling. Where do you find home?

Module 2: Life Goals

Where are you headed? Where would you like to go? What impact have you already made for yourself and others in your life? In this module we will explore our successes while planning for the future.

Module 3: Health Goals

We are all worried about some aspects of our body. It's the vessel or the house within which we live our lives. When setting health goals it's important to honour what is working well already. In Module 3 learn how to accept your body and work towards your health goals.

Module 4: Kindness

When we are kind to others we are really being kind to ourselves. Notice how you feel in your body when you do something nice for someone else. When you give, it comes back to you. Here we will discuss how kindness awakens connection with ourselves and others.

Module 5: Facing Fear

We're all afraid of something. We just need to make sure we're not missing moments or opportunities. Fear keeps us safe...or does it? In this module, learn how to overcome fear and grow. 

Module 6: Grief & Loss

How do we do this, this thing called life where people we love leave us and we are never the same. All we can do is keep marching on, and know that whether we're here or not, we've impacted each other and taught each other the meaning of love. Let's be brave together. Get ready to discover healing.

Module 7: What Is It Like Being You?

Discover who you are by slowing down and just being. You are a pure, constant light in the world. You can tap into this essence at any time. Allow how you feel to be there. Instead of jumping to the next thing and over-planning, in Module 7 we learn to peel back the layers and discover our true selves.

Module 8: Presence

How do you feel? When we stop and smell the flowers, being truly present, we learn how to be brave and curious.  In this final and most important module we learn how to turn inwards. There is a present waiting for you in the presence.


A Course in Presence has been tested with a live audience at the Stopping to Smell the Flowers: A Healing and Resource Centre. Feedback from the Course includes:

“The Course taught me to be more present and more mindful of what is happening in my life, instead of just moving through one moment to the next, unaware”;

“The Course had a good flow to it”; 

“It helped me retain the feeling and knowledge gained from reading the stories”;

“I see my life in these stories”;

“We are all experiencing many things in our human-ness”;

“What surprised me the most was how easy it is to journal”


Regular price is $127 but for a limited time is being offered for a special intro price of $27. The Course will get you well on your way to healing.


Thank you for your trust!

Stopping to Smell the Flowers – putting people in charge of their own healing.

Let’s explore together!

A Course in Presence

The goal with Stopping to Smell the Flowers:

A Course in Presence is to find happiness right where we are.

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